Hair determines age and hair gives you beauty .Salt and pepper looks over 30 plus age not around 20 . Grey hair can be reversed, if the reason or the root cause can be treated. If the root cause is not treated, it is difficult to reverse grey hair. According to research, the grey hair is mainly due to the build up of Hydrogen Peroxide. The build-up of hydrogen peroxide in the hair follicles bleaches the hair inside out. Hydrogen peroxide is naturally produced in the body due to metabolism. When we are young, our body produces an enzyme that acts like a catalase which breaks down the hydrogen peroxide molecule into harmless oxygen and water. But as we age, our bodies produce less catalase. Also factors like stress, pollution and smoke reduces this catalase in our body, which cause h202 build up. Causes Vitamins or Minerals deficiency? Vitamins like Biotin, B12, Niacin, folic acid, Vitamin D and Minerals like Iron, Zinc and Copper play a major role in preserving hair col...