Dreaming big is absolutely needed if you are ambitious and want to stay busy working on projects. If you want to spend your life chilled out - then the answer is no. So the first thing is to figure out what do you want out of life: busyness or relaxation.
If you’re asking this question I am going to assume you are at least quasi-interested in pursuing an ambitious goal, so with that in mind, I’m going to answer the question - how is the best way to pursue a big goal.
We hear a lot around ‘dreaming big’, but the crazy part is, rarely do people teach much past that attention grabbing headline. Big dreams - and big results - are lovely on glossy magazine covers, but the reality is far less glamorous.
As such, here are the less glamorous parts to dreaming big.
a) If you’re going to dream big and work hard, you’re going to have to link your work to a deep emotional driver. Dreaming big means a lot of small failures, and you are going to need additional motivation when things don’t go well. To that end, ideally you can link your work to a bigger purpose in life.
b) Once you are working from a deeper purpose, you need to break that big goal down to MUCH smaller goals. If it’s business, you’ll want to start with attempting to make $1. Then $10, then $100, $1,000, $10,000 etc. Keep adding a zero. You’ll learn new lessons, and make mistakes at each zero which will be completely fine. You don’t want to be making $10,000 mistakes when you’re aiming for $1M.
c) Don’t expect to get to what you’re aiming for straight away. Yes, there will always be those people who achieve a lot early on, so taking advice from those people can be as dangerous as listening to someone who has won the lotto saying ‘it works, sell all your assets and buy lotto tickets’. This of course doesn’t mean you can’t achieve big goals if you want, but be prepared for a decade of hard work and growth followed by another. Don’t expect too much too soon.
If this isn’t a business goal, perhaps it’s attempting to make change in the world/pursue a passion, or anything other than a business goal, the same process applies - break everything down into the next small step, and don’t expect it to come all at once.
Physical reality is in a very real and literal way, simply a projection, a dream. Now when we say an illusion as many of you have already recognized that physical reality is an illusion, we do not use that term to discount reality, but simply all we are saying is that your perceptions, in and of themselves are what create the reality you experience. That you are manifestations, you are expression, each and every one of you are facets of the multi-dimensional crystal of infinite creation. You are all the thoughts of the infinite creator, all the different ways the infinite creation has of thinking itself into being, thinking itself into creation. And so physical reality is but the dream of the infinite creator and each and every being within creation are the active co-dreamers, co-creators. So as you dream, as you believe, as you perceive, as you think, so you experience.
You don’t have to achieve everything at once, you just have to get to the next step. And you can get to the next step :)
Nice one